Healthy Chocolate Delight

WELCOME to the wonderful world of HEALTHY CHOCOLATE! Our Guilt Free Dark Chocolate can improve your cardiovascular health, blood pressure, sugar metabolism and relieve inflammation in the body among many other benefits. Change your life and circumstances today by helping us educate others on the power of our chocolate! Questions? Contact… Shirley (903)389-8028 / Below are great articles about Dark Chocolate! Enjoy!

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I am a full time networker for 16 years now and I love the business because I enjoy meeting new people and of course making money without leaving my home. Being of the old school and marketing by phone and now the internet, I believe that developing relationships is still a major key to success. Now Social Networks make that much easier and alot more fun. I can help with: Online Marketing and Networking. Skype: anetincome or Shirley Adkins Follow me on Twitter at anetincome Have a Wonderful day/evening!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mmmm.... more and more of us are now being tempted by the dark (and healthier) side of chocolate

I found this article on Chocolate's Health Benefits. You will find a link to the full article below.

Chocolate expert Ray Newberry, senior lecturer in food science and technology at the University of Wales Institute Cardiff, says awareness about chocolate's health benefits is growing.

He said, "There's been a lot of science recently about the health benefits of dark chocolate.

"Dark chocolate has less fat because it doesn't have the milk fats, and it also has higher cocoa solids, anything from 55% up to 80 or 90%.

"The ABC1 groups tend to look at the science that is provided and that may influence their choice."

A small amount of dark chocolate can indeed be good for you.

Nutritionist Jacqui Lowden said, "Cocoa beans contain about 65-75% polyphenals, also known as phyto chemicals, which have antioxidant properties.

"These prevent inflammation and help prevent against heart disease and certain types of cancer.

"Dark chocolate has more of the cocoa in it so it has more antioxidant properties."

As well as being the healthy choice, dark chocolate is considered more stylish and classier than milk.

For the complete article on this, goto:

Now Come check out Our Healthy Chocolate Products they are different, they have retained the flavanoils in the cocoa, because our cocoa is cold processed and has no or little preservatives and little or no sugar added! This makes Our products even good for those that are Diabetic.

For more information on our Chocolate products and a Sweet Income Opportunity,

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